Meet Adkomo at DMEXCO 2022!

The Adkomo Team is ready to attend the next business event! Meet our Mobile team at DMEXCO – Digital Marketing Expo & Conference in Cologne on 21 and 22 September 2022!

What is DMEXCO ?

“DMEXCO is Europe’s leading digital marketing & tech event. We are the meeting place and a community for key players in digital business, marketing, and innovation. We bring together industry leaders, marketing and media professionals, and tech pioneers to set the digital agenda. Both globally informed and locally focused, DMEXCO offers an ecosystem with seminars, debates, expositions, and masterclasses outlining the future of the digital economy and driving market value.” – source : DMEXCO – Digital Marketing Exposition & Conference

Our Mobile Team will take part in the event during both days to meet with digital marketing and technology professionals to continue to develop our international network.


  • What? DMEXCO 2022
  • When? September 21&22th 2022 
  • Where? Cologne
  • Who? Guillaume, Ismael & Maryem – Our Mobile experts

You are interested in talking with our team of experts?

Book a meeting with them in the event via this link >>  @EventsAdkomo | Linktree

Know more about the event :  DMEXCO 2022 – Expo

Want to promote your brand?


Are you looking to advertise your brand or monetise your traffic? Drop us a line, our team will be glad to assist you with your queries.

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