Apple Announces Changes to iOS, Safari and App Store in EU

Apple today announced changes to iOS, Safari, and the App Store to comply with the Digital Markets Act (DMA) in the European Union (EU). These changes include new options for developers to distribute and monetize their apps, as well as new protections for users.

Changes for Developers

  • Alternative App Distribution: Developers can now distribute their iOS apps from alternative app marketplaces.
  • Alternative Payment Processing: Developers can use alternative payment processors to process payments for digital goods and services in their EU apps.
  • Alternative Browser Engines: Developers can use browser engines other than WebKit for their iOS apps.
  • Contactless Payments: Developers can use NFC technology to enable contactless payments in their banking and wallet apps in the European Economic Area (EEA).


Changes for Users

  • New Choices Screen: iOS users will be prompted to choose a default browser from a list of options when they first open Safari in iOS 17.4 or later.
  • App Installation Sheets: App installation sheets will provide information about apps before they are downloaded, including the developer, screenshots, and other essential information.
  • Notarization for iOS Apps: All iOS apps, regardless of their distribution channel, will be subject to Notarization, a baseline review that focuses on platform integrity and protecting users.
  • Authorization for Marketplace Developers: Marketplace developers will be subject to additional requirements to protect users and developers.


New Business Terms for Apps in the EU

Apple is also introducing new business terms for apps in the EU. These terms include a reduced commission for iOS apps, a payment processing fee, and a Core Technology Fee.

  • Reduced Commission: iOS apps on the App Store will pay a reduced commission of either 10 percent (for the vast majority of developers, and subscriptions following their first year) or 17 percent on transactions for digital goods and services. Developers can use a payment service provider within their app or link users to their website to process payments for no additional fee to Apple.
  • Payment Processing Fee: iOS apps on the App Store can use the App Store’s payment processing for an additional 3 percent fee.
  • Core Technology Fee: iOS apps distributed from the App Store and/or an alternative app marketplace will pay €0.50 for each first annual install per year over a 1 million threshold. For apps on iPadOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS in the EU, developers who process payments using a PSP or by linking out to their website will get a 3 percent discount on the commission they owe to Apple.

Developer Resources

Apple is providing developers with a number of resources to help them understand the changes and make informed decisions about their apps. These resources include:

  • A new Apple Developer Support page
  • A fee calculator tool
  • New reports



Apple’s changes to iOS, Safari, and the App Store are designed to comply with the DMA while protecting the privacy and security of users in the EU. Developers have the option to continue using Apple’s App Store and payment processing, or they can choose to distribute their apps and process payments through alternative channels. Apple believes that these changes will create a more competitive and innovative app ecosystem for users and developers in the EU.


Source: Apple

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