







Our clients in the mobile gaming industry have distinct marketing objectives tailored to their specific monetization strategies. Some seek broad market penetration to maximize app installs and build a robust user base. Others, whose revenue relies on in-app purchases (IAPs), focus their campaigns on achieving a high ROI, targeting users likely to engage in frequent transactions.

Meanwhile, clients dependent on ad revenue prioritize optimizing Return On Advertising Spend (ROAS), closely monitoring metrics like ROAS Day 0 and Day 7 to fine-tune ad placements and enhance user interaction, ensuring that advertising efforts are both effective and non-intrusive.

Our Solution

At Adkomo, we specialize in mobile user acquisition services, deploying a robust array of marketing channels to ensure each campaign aligns with our clients’ KPIs. Our strategy encompasses DSPs, affiliate networks, direct placements, OEM placements, social media, and Google Ads, creating a comprehensive reach across various digital platforms.

Our integration with leading Mobile Measurement Partners (MMPs) such as AppsFlyer, Adjust, Tenjin, Branch, and Kochava is crucial. This allows us to track and monitor the performance of each campaign placement accurately. By leveraging this data, we can pinpoint the most effective users and optimize our strategies to focus on the highest performing ads, from display to video. Whether utilizing client-provided creatives or crafting our own, we ensure that each ad is optimized for peak performance.

Collaboration with our clients is vital for effective mobile user acquisition. By understanding their unique needs and KPIs, we can target the best-converting audiences with precision, crafting campaigns that are finely tuned to their specific goals.

The Results

With more than one million installs, our multi-channel strategy and precise optimization ensured that these installs were not just high in number but also high in quality. The integration with MMPs allowed for detailed tracking and performance analysis, ensuring continuous improvement and optimization of the campaign. By focusing on high-performing ads and targeting the right audiences, we exceeded our client’s expectations.

Beyond the sheer number of installs, we achieved substantial in-app engagement metrics, with countless tutorials passed, levels reached, and in-app purchases made. These achievements demonstrated not only the high engagement of the users we acquired but also their propensity to generate revenue for the app, significantly contributing to a strong return on advertising spend (ROAS).

Chanels Adkomo uses for Mobile User acquisition in gaming
Countries where adkomo is doing Mobile user acquisition and lead generation

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